We've got a new firmware upgrade ready for the DR-2: OS013! You can find the download link here.

This upgrade:

  • improves synchronisation when slaved to an external clock source
  • makes it possible to enable/disable instrument tracks using Midi notes and/or controllers
  • adds a Global accent level [ACC+VALUE]
  • enables longer bars, with more than 16 steps per bar
  • But the biggest novelty: it introduces BASSLINE MODELS!



The most important new feature of firmware upgrade OS013: bassline synthesizer models! You could say the Modor DR-2 is no longer purely a drum machine, it's also very suited to create basslines now!

With the introduction of Parameter Locks in OS007 it became possible to program little melodies in the DR-2, by using these parameter locks on the pitch parameter, especially on the bass drum models. Therefore, the DR-2 has been extended with 4 new synthesis models now, especially aimed at the creation of basslines:

  • SAW SYNTH: This offer a sawtooth/square wave oscillator with a resonant lowpass filter on it (controlled by the X and Y parameters), the pitch envelope also works on the cutoff frequency (Z for amount). There is also a sustain time for the amp envelope, before it starts to decay (T).
  • SQU SYNTH: This model is identical to the previous one, but with a square wave oscillator.
  • SIN SYNTH: This model has a sine wave oscillator with a sine Sub oscillator (one octave lower, controlled with X), a sine 'super' oscillator (one octave higher, controlled with Y), a soft overdrive (controlled with Z), and again an Amp Sustain Time (T).
  • FM SYNTH: This model finally, has a 2-operator carrier-modulator FM structure, with a modulator frequency ratio (X), FM amount (Y) and FM envelope amount (Z), and the Amp Sustain Time (T).

Notes and bassline melodies can be sequenced using parameter locks, the bassline synth models are tonal and can be tuned from F#-1 to F4. To program a certain note on a certain step, simply hold down that step button, and turn the PITCH knob to select the right note. This way parameter locks are entered in the sequencer.

The pitch parameter locks on these models are furthermore registered relative to the root note, such that you can transpose the bassline melody. When you turn the PITCH knob the root note of the bassline model changes, the parameter locked pitches in the sequence keep the same distance relative to the new root note.

The bassline models also have a Portamento parameter, that allows to glide from one note to another. Portamento is controlled by SHIFT+CURVE and can of course also be parameter locked and/or modulated.

And finally, the bassline models have a Sustain Time at the T parameter, it is possible to hold the amp level at maximum for a certain time in the beginning of a note. That resembles a bit the effect of a compressor, and helps creating some more dynamic freedom than just with the amp decay alone.

Very nice, but what does it sound like? A few examples:


DR2_Saw_bassline_1.mp3 // Squelchy saw synth bassline with distortion and some equalising.

DR2_Saw_bassline_2.mp3 // Filtered saw synth bassline.

DR2_Saw_bassline_3.mp3 // Another distorted saw synth bassline.


DR2_Squ_bassline_1.mp3 // Filtered Square synth bassline.

DR2_Squ_bassline_2.mp3 // Distorted Square synth bassline.

DR2_Squ_bassline_3.mp3 // Square synth bassline.


DR2_Sin_bassline_1.mp3 // Sin synth bassline.

DR2_Sin_bassline_2.mp3 // Sin synth bassline.

DR2_Sin_bassline_3.mp3 // Sin synth bassline.


DR2_FM_bassline_1.mp3 // FM synth bassline.

DR2_FM_bassline_2.mp3 // FM synth bassline.

DR2_FM_bassline_3.mp3 // FM synth bassline.


You may have felt the need already, while working with the DR-2, to control sequencer tracks switching on/off in your DAW or external sequencer when building tracks. Well, that's exactly what we included now. You can use Midi Control Change CC#95 for it, or use the midi notes in the octave C-0 to B-0.



The first method of enable/disabling sequencer tracks uses midi notes. If you enable the new setting, MidiNtEn/Dis: ON in the System Settings menu, you can use the notes in octave C0-B0 for it. C0 turns instrument A's track off, C#0 turns it on. D0 turns instrument B's track off, D#1 turns it on. And so on...


A second, but a bit more complex method to switch sequencer tracks on and off uses control change CC#95. If you enable the new system setting MidiCCEn/Dis : ON in the System Settings menu, you can use this control change for it. But you need to know binary counting. Every bit in the value of this controller switches a track on/off.

As an example, binary 110001, which is a decimal value 49 switches on instruments F, E and A and switches D, C and B off, according to the ones and zero. This way, every value from 0 (all off) to 63 (all on) corresponds to a specific combination of instruments.

CC#95 = Decimal 49, or binary 110001:

  • 1: Instrument F is ON
  • 1: Instrument E is ON
  • 0: Instrument D is OFF
  • 0: Instrument C is OFF
  • 0: Instrument B is OFF
  • 1: Instrument A is ON


On earlier firmware versions, you could already set every instrument's sensitivity to accents and velocity changes. But it can still be useful to have a general accent level setting next to that, because there are 2 different kinds of accents on the DR-2: single-instrument accents and global all-instrument accents.

This new global accent level determines how 'heavy' a global accent is pronounced, but doesn't influence the single-instrument accents. This makes it possible for an instrument to have a more intense reaction to a single-instrument accent, then to a global one.

How to set the global accent level? Very simple: keep ACC pushed down while you turn (SWING/)VALUE.

Reminder: how to program single-instrument and global accents? Keep the ACC button down while selecting step buttons to program accents for the active instrument only. Shortly tap and release the ACC button to access the general global accent line.


Until now, a bar on the DR-2 could only have 16 steps or less. Very useful for 4/4, 3/4, 6/8 etc... meters. But it was impossible to program a rhythm in for example 5/4, 6/4, 7/4, etc... From now on, you can have bar lengths longer than 16 steps. You can use the whole range of 1 to 64 steps (or 128 half-steps).

The DR-2 has 4 sequencer pages, accessed by the buttons 1-16/17-32/33-48/49-64. A bar can now span over multiple pages. If you need for example a bar to have 20 steps, to play a 5/4 meter, keep SHIFT down while pushing 17-32 (the 2nd page button), and then, while still keeping down SHIFT, press step button 5. Your pattern will now have a bar length of 16+4=20 steps. You can program 16 steps on the first page (1-16), and the remaining 4 steps on the second page (17-32).

When using bar lengths >16 steps, also the polymetric bar lengths can be set >16 steps in the same way. Instead of SHIFT, keep an instrument button A...F down, and press a page button 1-16/.../49-64 and a step button to set that instruments polymetric bar length.

When using bars over 2 pages (17 to 32 steps), the remaining pages 33-48 and 49-64 contain a second bar. Just as before with single page bars you can use these as a variation, you can switch between the two using the 1-16/17-32/33-48/49-64 buttons. Or, you can also chain them together in a 2 bar (4 page) loop, using SHIFT + 33-48 or SHIFT + 49-64.

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