Modor DR-2 user's manual, version 4 for firmware OS010 (English, 80pages, 3.3MB)
Modor DR-2 Key Combos and Parameter card for OS013 (407kB)
Modor NF-1 user's manual, version 6 for firmware OS017 (English, 76pages, 1.6MB)
Modor NF-1m Control Overview card (24kB)
Modor NF-1m Menu Overview card (19kB)
Eurorack Formant Filter Manual (245,1kB)
Eurorack Comb Filter Manual (70,1kB)
Eurorack Noisy Oscillator Manual (71,0kB)



Modor's firmware upgrades can be installed on the NF-1(m) or DR-2 by using MIDI Sysex messages. If you need a simple SysEx software, we recommend using one of these:

  • Linux: Simple Sysexxer, can be found here
  • Mac OS X: SysEx Librarian, can be found here
  • Windows: SendSX, can be found here
  • Android: Syx-Lib, can be found here
  • iPhone/iPad: Sysex Base or Midi Toolbox , can be found here and here



The most recent version of the Modor DR-2 firmware is OS013. Check the videos below for instructions on how to install firmware upgrades on the DR-2!

  • OS001 was the basic version on the first DR-2's.
  • OS002 added polymeters, the compressor per channel, a euclidean generator and a few other things and bugfixes.
  • OS003 fixes a bug in the sidechain routing when loading preset drumsets, and a syncing bug.
  • OS004 adds a small attack envelope to reduce clicks, fixes the noise phasing problem, further stabilises clock syncing and adds a few other things.
  • OS005 adds 2 new drum models, an overdrive and a tilt filter, and a number of shortcuts and operation improvements.
  • OS006 fixes a few small bugs that were found in the previous upgrade, and improves parameter inspection.
  • OS007 introduces parameter locks and an improved bootloader.
  • OS008 fixes a bug in OS007s bootloader upgrade system.
  • OS009 introduces randomization functions, the electro snare model, instrument focus, step copy/paste, MIDI NRPN reception, a better load/save process and fixes some disturbing click sounds.
  • OS010 introduces polyrhythmic clocks, and the possibility to set the transient click level on the bassdrums.
  • OS011 fixes a bug created in OS007, that messes up drumsets in memory in certain cases.
  • OS012 adds the rumble kick, filter HH and filter claps, and the parametric equaliser.
  • OS013 adds bassline synth models!


OS013 Sysex file for Modor DR-2


For those who upgrade from OS006 or earlier, don't forget to install the new bootloader. Install file and instructions are included in the upgrade.


The most recent version of the Modor NF-1 firmware is OS018. Version _v6 of the user manual is up to date with OS017.

  • OS001 was the basic version on the very first NF-1's.
  • OS002 added poly/mono/legato switching over OS001.
  • OS003 adds a bug fix that solves bad response from certain MIDI keyboards.
  • OS004 adds a "Safety Mode" and a "Frontpanel Reset" together with some minor bug fixes.
  • OS005 adds envelope looping and a number of bug fixes.
  • OS006 adds another bug fix.
  • OS007 simplifies the patch loading/saving procedure and removes some disturbing click sounds when playing mono.
  • OS008 adds looping amp-envelope, polyphonic aftertouch, breath controller as mod source, and a few other things.
  • OS009 fixes some bugs (audio clicks are gone), adds new modulation destinations, adds internal/external syncing, adds MPE support (for Roli Seaboard and Linnstrument), and makes osc&env toggling more intuitive.
  • OS010 fixes full patch compatibility between the minimodor NF-1m and the NF-1, and has some improved Midi MPE support.
  • OS011 fixes a tuning problem that was created on OS010, and fixes a bug in the MPE system.
  • OS012 fixes a bug that was created in OS010, which messes up the preset memory in some devices.
  • OS013 stabilises Comb Filter Feedback, adds oscillator phase randomization, and most important: adds microtonality.
  • OS014 improves stability when using the editor, adds chord memory, hipass delay filter, microtonal 1-note-off-scale and some bugfixes.
  • OS015 adds a few extra bugfixes
  • OS016 improves SafetyMode and parameter inspection, adds a 'stretched' tonescale, eases source/dest selection for modulation wires and improves MIDI MTS and MPE for microtonal applications
  • OS017 adds filter BP/LP/HP mixing, and a few handy shortcuts
  • OS018 fixes a bug in the bootloader upgrade process. If you're already on OS017 and bootloader v3, it is not necessary to install this upgrade.


OS018 Sysex file for Modor NF-1, with installation instructions (275kB)


You can check your current OS number in the SYSTEM SETTINGS menu.

WARNING! Installing new firmware destroys your complete patch memory! Make a backup memory dump before installing the new firmware. Modor Music cannot be held responsible for the loss of your work!

WARNING! For NF-1 users with OS009 or earlier: Some MIDI interfaces don't seem to handle large sysex files correctly - thereby damaging your patch memory and making OS updates impossible. Try a Bank dump/receive first to check if all goes well! This problem does not exist on the Minimodor NF-1m and on NF-1's with OS010 or higher, because it uses an updated sysex protocol.


The most recent version of the Minimodor NF-1m firmware is OS018. There is no separate users' manual for the NF-1m, but most aspects can be found in the NF-1's user manual too. There's also a video manual on the NF-1m page.
REMARK: Users that have OS001 on the Minimodor NF-1m have to use the old style 5-pin DIN connection to install the firmware update. Updating through Midi-over-USB is not possible. This bug was fixed in OS002.
  • OS001 was the basic version on the first NF-1m's.
  • OS002 fixes a bug in the Midi-over-USB system.
  • OS003 adds safety mode, improved MPE support, fixes a bug with selecting modulation sources and adds some handy shortcuts.
    • When turning a control while keeping EXIT/NO pressed, you can inspect the parameter value without changing it.
    • When turning Ctrls 4 or 5 while keeping MOD pressed in the OSC screen, you can change the FM harmonics without menu diving.
  • OS004 fixes a bug in the Midi MPE support, and fixes a bug with Midi Note Nr #00
  • OS005 fixes a bug that was created in OS003, which messes up the preset memory in some devices.
  • OS006 stabilises Comb Filter Feedback, adds oscillator phase randomization, and most important: adds microtonality.
  • OS007 improves stability when using the editor, adds chord memory, hipass delay filter, microtonal 1-note-off-scale option and a number of bugfixes.
  • OS008 adds a few extra bugfixes
  • OS009 improves SafetyMode and parameter inspection, adds a 'stretched' tonescale, and improves MIDI MTS and MPE for microtonal applications
  • OS017 adds filter BP/LP/HP mixing, and a few handy shortcuts. Firmware numbering jumps from OS009 directly to OS017, to be consistent with the NF-1.
  • OS018 fixes a bug in the bootloader upgrade process. If you're already on OS017 and bootloader v3, it is not necessary to install this upgrade.

You can check your current OS number in the SYSTEM SETTINGS menu.

WARNING! Installing new firmware destroys your complete patch memory! Make a backup memory dump before installing the new firmware. Modor Music cannot be held responsible for the loss of your work!


OS018 Sysex file for Minimodor NF-1m, with installation instructions (170kB)




We have a software editor for the NF-1 and NF-1m! Standalone for every OS, and AU/VST plugins for Mac/Win.

Remark that there are also third-party editors, developed by Sigabort and iLov Machines!



Reinstall all factory presets at once by using this Sysex File.

  • Modor NF-1 / NF-1m factory presets (75,1kB). This works on all versions on the Minimodor NF-1m and on OS010 or newer on the NF-1.
  • Modor DR-2 factory presets (152,5kB).



These patchbanks can be uploaded to your NF-1 using MIDI sysex. Instructions on how to import/export patchbanks can be found in the Modor NF-1 user's manual (§8.9). Your NF-1 needs to be in the SYSEX DUMP-menu on the 'Bank Receive'-item to receive patchbank sysex, otherwise these messages are ignored. If you need a simple SysEx software, we recommend using one of these:

  • Linux: Simple Sysexxer, can be found here
  • Mac OS X: SysEx Librarian, can be found here
  • Windows: Use the sysex dialog (View menu, Sysex) of Midi-OX, can be found here, or use SendSX, can be found here
  • Android: Syx-Lib, can be found here
  • iPhone/iPad: Sysex Base or Midi Toolbox , can be found here and here


Important: Of these patchbanks, there's always an old and a new version. Since the addition of a USB midi interface to the NF-1m, the sysex protocol had to be changed to allow it to work with Midi-over-USB. Since OS010, the NF-1 also uses this same protocol. So:
  • When using the USB connector, only the new version can be used
  • On the NF-1 with OS009 or older, only the old version can be used
  • When using the MIDI IN connector on the NF-1m or the NF-1 with OS010 or newer, both versions can be used.
Feel free to send us your own preset banks if you want to share them!




Very old publicity folder for the Modor NF-1 (English, 1.3MB)




Here are a few pictures of the Modor NF-1 in very high resolution jpeg. If you need more pictures in high resolution, ask us at

DR-2 hi-res picture (22.8MB)

DR-2 hi-res picture (18.6MB)

DR-2 hi-res picture (15.8MB)

NF-1 hi-res picture (10.6MB)

NF-1 hi-res picture (7.2MB)

NF-1 hi-res picture (12.0MB)



NF-1m hi-res picture (7.9MB)

NF-1m hi-res picture (8.0MB)

NF-1 & NF-1m hi-res picture (7.9MB)

Noisy Oscillator hi-res picture (2.1MB)

Formant Filter hi-res picture (3.7MB)

Comb Filter hi-res picture (3.8MB)
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